booxi status

Booxi minor software update [EU/2023-8-9] from 2023-08-09 02:27 EDT to 2023-08-09 02:57 EDT

Scheduled maintenance booxi Europe - Software updates
2023-08-09 02:27 EDT · 30 minutes



Dear clients,
An upcoming Booxi software update will be performed without service interruption and will contain the following improvements:

In the Booxi API:

  • The endpoint POST /Booking now supports creating a booking using an existing client ID.
  • The endpoint PUT /Booking now supports changing a booking’s status to additional values such as “Approved”, “Completed”, “NoShow” and “Client Arrived”.

For more details about the above endpoints, please consult with your Booxi representative.

In the Back Office:

  • We’ve made corrections to the way a staff weekly working hours were calculated.


  • In the business directory, we have fixed an issue preventing users from selecting a merchant in the search results.

This software update won’t affect your operations.


Booxi support team

August 9, 2023 · 02:27 EDT

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