booxi status

Booxi minor software update [EU/2023-4-13] from 2023-04-13 09:45 EDT to 2023-04-13 23:00 EDT

Scheduled maintenance booxi Europe - Software updates
2023-04-13 09:45 EDT · 13 hours, 14 minutes



Dear clients,

An upcoming Booxi software update will be performed without service interruption and will contain the following improvements:

In the Booxi API:

  • We’ve added a new endpoint “GET /client” that provides the ability to search for clients using an external ID.

In the Back Office:

  • We’ve updated the payment dialog used with our Stripe module.

In the Booking Widget:

  • We’ve made improvements to the French translations.

This software update won’t affect your operations.


Booxi support team

April 13, 2023 · 09:54 EDT

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