booxi status

Booxi minor software update [EU/2023-2-15] from 2023-02-14 10:00 EDT to 2023-02-14 19:00 EDT

Scheduled maintenance booxi Europe - Software updates
2023-02-14 10:00 EDT · 9 hours



Dear clients,

An upcoming Booxi software update will be performed without service interruption and will contain the following improvements:

In the Booking API:

  • We have added a new API to fetch client booking history. For more information about this new API, please consult with your Booxi representative.

In the Back Office:

  • We have fixed a refresh issue that would occur when renaming a service category.
  • We have fixed the postal code validation for Columbia and the Republic of Ireland.
  • We have fixed a typographical error in the Spanish translations.

In the Head Office:

  • We have fixed an issue where the “Update Service to Stores” feature wouldn’t synchronize the option “Display duration to client” properly.

This software update won’t affect your operations.


Booxi support team

February 15, 2023 · 10:04 EDT

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