booxi status

Mise à jour mineure Booxi [EU/2022-10-19] de 2022-10-19 11:00 EDT à 2022-10-19 19:00 EDT

Entretien programmé booxi North America - Software updates
2022-10-19 11:00 EDT · 8 heures

Mises à jour

Dear clients,

An upcoming Booxi software update will be performed without service interruption and will contain the following improvements:

In the Back Office:
  • We’ve added the option to send an additional reminder message to clients prior to their booking time.
  • We’ve also added the flexibility to customize an additional reminder delay per service.
Consult the following article to learn more about this new feature.

In Book Now v3:
  • We’ve made improvements to the navigation when asking the client to provide up to 5 availabilities.
This software update won’t affect your operations.


-Booxi support team
octobre 19, 2022 · 10:37 EDT

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